Release notes

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Roadmaps (Beta)

Roadmaps (Beta)

We've launched a new feature in a closed beta - Roadmaps. With Roadmaps, planning, prioritizing, and sharing progress with your stakeholders becomes easier than ever. Our Roadmaps are designed to be simple enough for anyone to understand, yet flexible enough to fit your team's unique workflow. Start by add opportunities to your roadmap, which you can then organize in your preferred order via Drag and Drop.


Each new roadmap will be initialized with three default stages: Now, Next and Later. You can create, update and delete individual stages (just make sure you don't have any item under a stage that you're trying to delete 😉). The order of these stages can also be changed using Drag and Drop via the dedicated handle next to the stage name.  


We've extended searching and filtering to roadmaps as well. Use properties found on opportunities, like Personas, Labels, Priority, Objective and more, to filter through your roadmap items.

Multiple roadmaps

To create a new roadmap, click on the roadmap picker on the top left hand side picker, start typing the name for your new roadmap and hit enter. Use the same picker to quickly switch between roadmaps, rename or delete a roadmap.