Release notes

Stay updated on everything we ship at Orbit

Enhanced file uploads

You can now have one less worry when uploading larger files, especially when uploading video interviews. Files will now upload as a background task, allowing you to continue doing other important work in Orbit.

This non-blocking upload strategy works across pages, meaning you can navigate between different pages of the app and the file will continue uploading - just make sure you don't close the window in which the app is open.

Editor improvements

We've made some long needed upgrades to our rich text editor, ensuring that we deliver a smooth experience across the app.

The main areas we focused on are: typing performance, optimized rendering, efficient memory usage and stability.

These improvements should be noticeable particularly on larger documents.

New website

We've update our website and gave it some much needed design love, bringing more consistency between it and the app.

We've also included changes to copy to reflect the recent additions to Orbit, such as Roadmaps and Interviews.